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PHA Charges and Payments

Open Access Fee

Public Health Action (PHA) is an Open Access online journal, freely available to all to read, and published with a CC-BY 4.0 licence. The Journal is committed to a policy of Open Access to bring new knowledge to those directly engaged in providing health services to vulnerable individuals and those who live in resource-limited settings.

To enable Open Access for all our readers, authors of accepted articles are required to pay an article processing charge (see general information below).

Open Access article processing charge

All articles accepted for publication (Correspondence excepted) incur a publication fee of €2,300 to cover the cost of peer review, editing, publishing and hosting each article.

The Union is a not-for-profit organisation and we have to levy these charges to cover our costs. In exceptional cases, a discount can be provided for authors in low-income countries, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

Queries about methods of payment can be directed to the PHA Editorial Office

Excess Page Charges

Articles that go over length (6 pp for Original Articles, 10 pp for and Review articles) incur an excess page charge of €375 per page.

Colour in Figures

There is no charge for colour figures but please be aware that most readers download and print in B+W, and colour use in figures should therefore support this.

Supplementary Data

Additional tables and figures may be supplied as a PDF that is published online in association with the article. A charge of €325 will be applied per 10 pp of Supplementary Data. The PDF should be submitted with the manuscript for review. Authors will also be requested to move any overlarge tables/figures to Supplementary Data.

Payment of publication charges

  • How to pay: A secure online payment portal is available. Authors of accepted articles who wish to pay the fee online should contact the Editorial Office upon acceptance, a link to the payment method will be provided via email.
  • Privacy Policy: PHA guarantees that no private data will be communicated to any third party.

For any queries concerning payment, please contact us at: